Call for Peer Reviewers

by Jan 10, 2023News0 comments

Call for Peer Reviewers

by | Jan 10, 2023


LIR CD in cooperation with ASB is announcing a Call for Peer Reviewers who will conduct the Peer Reviews within the project Better Social Inclusion through strengthened IRIS CSOs Network”.

The Call will be on-going throughout the project duration i.e. until October 2023.

The aim is to enhance country know-how exchange between a) CSOs social service providers (IRIS network, developing social enterprises), b) Policy Beneficiaries: Government institutions in charge for the implementation of the social welfare policies in BiH and SDI municipalities directly involved in public-civil partnerships in SSD sector among key beneficiaries in the category of local governments and other public institutions involved in implementation of the social welfare policies and SE, c) Socially Vulnerable groups (elderly people, PwDs, GB/DV, Youth at risk, Migrants/EVI) – Users of social services in order to support focused peer-to-peer exchange. 

The responsibility of the peer-reviewers will be to provide written reports and to prepare the presentations including all relevant information as a part of the peer-review process. In total, peer-reviewers will develop 6 independent peer-review reports (1 report per target group: the Elderly, PwDs, Children and Youth at risk, Women victims of domestic violence and Roma/Migrants/IDP/EVI) and 1 report regarding benefits and opportunities of Social entrepreneurship to support socially vulnerable groups.

IRIS member CSOs and other qualified peer reviewers are welcome to apply by sending their CVs and motivation letters to e-mail: biljana.zgonjanin@lircd.og

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