Lead applicant: The LIR Civil Society (LIR CS) – Co-applicant: Arbeiter-Samariter- Bund Deutschland e.V. (ASB)
Implementation Period: January 2019- October 2020
Project amount: 192,507 EUR
Geographical area: Bosnia and Herzegovina
Overall objective: To support democracy and address human rights through promoting, protecting and fulfilling children rights in support of civil society and governmental organisations.
Specific objectives: 1) to enhance the impact of civil society by empowering CSOs-defending the children rights for actively engaging in human rights promotion and protection, 2) pursue common agendas for protecting children’s economic, social and cultural rights and democratic approach to prevent peer-violence, 3) to engage in structured civic dialogue with governments at all levels promoting policies designed to protect human rights and introducing mechanisms on promoting antidiscrimination matters.
Target groups:
1) CSO Beneficiaries: a) at least 10 members of CSOs defending the rights of children will build their capacities through training and advocacy activities and participation in IRIS network; b) at least 10 CSOs/gross roots organisation will receive grants to initiate advocacy issues; c) at least 10 CSOs defending the rights of children received training on antidiscrimination advocacy tools.
2) Vulnerable Children: victims of peer violence and violence against children, migrant and Roma children, children/youth at risk.
3) Policy Beneficiaries: a) Ministry of Human Rights and Refugees of B&H and Institution of Human rights Ombudsman B&H, b) at least 3 Ministries for refugees and displaced persons in charge for the implementation of the human rights policies on entity and Brčko District level; c) at least 3 Ministries in charge for the implementation of health and the social welfare policies in B&H; d) at least 10 public officials directly informed on advantages of partnerships between CSOs and Government in the human rights.
Project activities:
Pillar 1: Empowering CSOs-defending the rights of children
- Partnership building and coordination meetings
- Small Grant Facility (SGF)
- Peer review instrument as monitoring tool for the process of working on children’s rights to education, health, social protection
- Human rights academy
- To organizing “Living library” workshops as a tool for protection and promotion of human rights and human dignity respect
- Training for CSOs defending the rights of children on antidiscrimination advocacy matters
Pillar 2: Social Policy Influencing and Awareness rising
- Gap Assessment – human rights for vulnerable children
- Public hearings to present Gap assessment
- Annual Shadow reports for monitoring efforts
- Anti-discrimination advocacy campaign
- Promotion of the CSO role in decision making process/Case studies on innovative children rights protection and promotion practices
- Media campaign to raise public awareness about the promotion and protection of children rights
Project results: R1. Increased quality of CSOs defending the children rights through capacity building activities/Academy, Training and SGF thus making CSOs more accountable partner in the human rights sector; R2.Pursued common agendas for protecting children’s economic, social and cultural rights and democratic approach to prevent peer-violence through monitoring efforts -shadow reports, peer review and media campaign; R3. Addressed human rights and made use of civil society initiatives for increased impact on protecting and promoting children rights though partnership meetings, public hearings, media campaign and advocacy actions envisaged in the SGF; R4. Public reforms designed to protect children rights in B&H successfully influenced through conducted Antidiscrimination Advocacy campaign and prepared Local Action Plans.