IRIS Network is announcing Call for Proposals: “Developing of community based services” which will provide financial support to the member organizations in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo*, Montenegro, North Macedonia, and Serbia
The Call will support 12 IRIS members in capacity-building actions for the purpose of enabling organisations to develop adequate services, capabilities, and skills in public policy influencing.
Overall objective is to build capacities of IRIS organisations to improve service provision and establish effective mechanisms for protection of human rights preventing all forms of discrimination, bringing positive change in the region.
Specific objective is to influence service provision and policy environment and grow outreach in the communities for the purpose of protecting and inclusion of marginalized population.
Total budget of the call is 180 000 EUR. It is anticipated that a minimum of € 10,000 and maximum of € 20,000 per project will be awarded. Duration of the proposed projects should be up to 12 months.
If you have a project idea, please send your proposals to no later than 30/10/2023 at 16.00, with an email subject stating: Submission of the Application for Call for Proposals -Name of the organisation applicant.
For more information and application forms please see documents below:
The online info session will be organized on Friday, 13th of October 2023 at 14h
Or register at so we can inform you and send you the link prior to the event.
Zoom link for the info session:
About the programme: Granting Facility “Developing of community based services” is part of the project “Strengthening capacities and policy engagement of community service providers – IRIS PROGRESS” is funded by European Union. Project is being implemented by Initiative for Development and Cooperation (IDC) in partnership with Arbeiter Samariter Bund e.V (Germany), Alfa Center (Montenegro), Center for Labour Rights (Albania), Community Development Institute (North Macedonia), LIR CD (BiH), Centre for Independent Living (Kosovo*).