Protection and strengthening of human rights in BiH with EU support
The European Union has granted €900.000 to civil society organisations in Bosnia and Herzegovina to support strengthening of democracy and human rights. In total, 5 projects have been awarded with grants involving 13 organisations who will work on protection and...
Regional Ministerial Conference will be held on 6th November in Belgrade
Regional Ministerial Conference “Social Dimension Initiative” (SDI) for WB: “Leaving no one behind in the process of EU integration" within the “Social Dimension Initiative” (SDI) will be held on SDI is launched by Arbeiter-Samariter-Bund...
New regional initiative of the IRIS Network – CSOs for protection sensitive migration management
Regionalna mreža za jačanje kvaliteta u pružanju socijalnih usluga (IRIS) osnovana je 2012. godine u okviru Programa partnerstva za razvoj civilnog društva za organizacije civilnog društva (CSF), a koji je finansiran od strane Evropske unije (EU). CSF je instrument putem koga EU pruža finansijsku podršku civilnom društvu koje aktivno učestvuje u javnoj raspravi o demokratiji, ljudskim pravima, socijalnom uključivanju i vladavini prava…
Advanced Training on Advocacy and Lobbying for the FPAs
The TACSO Regional Office organised an advanced training on advocacy and lobbying to the Framework Partnership Agreement (FPA) Projects in Skopje 9-12 February 2016 where IRIS network members were present.
Small grants for 13 local advocacy initiatives in SEE
Out of 34 received project proposals, IRIS Network awarded 13 grants under 2nd CFP Support to projects of civil society organizations (CSO) – social service providers in SEE in scope of the projects “Improving the provision of Social Service Delivery in South Eastern...
IRIS Network Small Grants Program
IRIS Network has a great pleasure to announce the continuation of its small grants program, which will provide financial support to the member organisations in: Albania, FYROM, Montenegro, Kosovo, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia. This call will support...